Numa era repleta de perigos, enganos e intrigas, Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) vai descobrir a diferença que pode fazer na luta contra o tirânico Império Galático.
O compositor Nicholas Britell também trabalhou nas séries "Succession" (2019-até agora), "The Underground Railroad" (2021) e "Andor" (2022) e nos filmes "Ela Disse" (2022), "Não Olhe para Cima" (2021), "Cruella" (2021), "O Rei" (2019), "Se a Rua Beale Falasse" (2019), "Vice" (2018), "A Guerra dos Sexos" (2017), "Moonlight - Sob a Luz do Luar" (2017), "A Grande Aposta" (2016), "Um Estado de Liberdade" (2016) e "De Amor e Trevas" (2015).
Estou no Twitter e no Instagram. Ouça o podcast, compre livros na Amazon e fortaleça o trabalho do blog!Tracklist:
1 - "Andor (Main Title Theme) – Episode 9"
2 - "Cousins"
3 - "Ulaf Fading"
4 - "Never More Than Twelve"
5 - "Andor (Main Title Theme) – Episode 10"
6 - "Make It Look Good"
7 - "One Way Out – Parts 1-4"
8 - "One Way Out – Parts 5-7"
9 - "One Way Out – Part 8"
10 - "My Name Is Kino Loy"
11 - "Heroes"
12 - "Andor (Main Title Theme) – Episode 11"
13 - "Tell Me They’re Leaving/Bee"
14 - "The Daughters of Ferrix"
15 - "Dewi and Freedi Pamular"
16 - "Full Fondor"
17 - "Your Mother Is Dead"
18 - "Andor (Main Title Theme) – Episode 12"
19 - "Dedra in Ferrix"
20 - "Come Away From the Window"
21 - "Clem’s Stone"
22 - "Manifesto"
23 - "Forming Up/Unto Stone We Are"
24 - "Eulogy"
25 - "Battle"
26 - "Cassian Will Find Us"
27 - "Kill Me"
28 - "The Rebellion Suite"
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