Animação estreia no Brasil nesta quinta-feira (5)
A Mane 6 embarca em uma jornada onde eles conhecem novos amigos e desafios emocionantes na busca de usar a magia da amizade para salvar sua casa das forças do mal.
A trilha sonora de My Little Pony - O Filme traz alguns dos nomes da música pop atual, além dos personagens do longa.
1 - "We Got This Together" (Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Granny Smith, Applebloom, Big Mac)
2 - "I'm The Friend You Need" (Capper (Taye Diggs))
3 - "Time To Be Awesome" (Captain Celaeno (Zoe Saldana), Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, Boyle, First Mate Mullet, Lix Spittle)
4 - "One Small Thing" (Princess Skystar (Kristin Chenoweth), Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity)
5 - "Open Up Your Eyes" (Tempest Shadow (Emily Blunt))
6 - "Rainbow" (From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 'My Little Pony: The Movie') (Sia)
7 - "Off To See The World" (Lukas Graham)
8 - "Thank You For Being A Friend" (Rachel Platten)
9 - "Can You Feel It" (DNCE)
10 - "I'll Chase The Sky" (Jessie James Decker)
11 - "No Better Feelin'" (CL)
12 - "I'll Be Around" (Palmer Reed)
13 - "Neighsayer" (Lukas Nelson)
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