Trilha sonora: Eternal You, por Gregor Keienburg & Raffael Seyfried

Startups usam Imteligência Artificial para criar avatares que permitem conversar com entes queridos após a morte. A exploração do profundo desejo humano de imortalidade disputa espaço com as consequências da comercialização desse sonho antigo.

O compositor Gregor Keienburg trabalhou em "Alle die Du bist" (2024), já Raffael Seyfried esteve em "Sem Ar" (2023) e "Home" (2020).

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1 - "The AI Has a Mind of It’s Own"
2 - "The Last Conversation"
3 - "Is It Really You"
4 - "Your J Is Backwards"
5 - "Waiting for My Response"
6 - "Communal Experience"
7 - "To Talk to Someone That Died"
8 - "Large Language Models"
9 - "Linguistic Intelligence"
10 - "Turning the Dead Into a Business"
11 - "New Way of Remembering People"
12 - "Digital Breadcrumbs"
13 - "Harmful Behaviours"
14 - "Startup Phenomenon"
15 - "That Diminishes Us"
16 - "Modern Form of Transcendence"
17 - "Crossing That Line"
18 - "The Words That a Computer Tells You"
19 - "Apparition"

Apple Music | Deezer | Spotify | Tidal
