Ambientada no primeiro submarino nuclear do Japão, o imprevisível capitão Shiro Kaieda tenta fazer o que acha certo em meio às tensões da Guerra Fria.
O compositor Yoshihiro Ike trabalhou na animação "Vampiro no Jardim" (2022) e no filme "Os Cavaleiros do Zodíaco - Saint Seiya: O Começo" (2023).
Estou no Twitter e no Instagram. Compre livros na Amazon e fortaleça o trabalho do blog! Confira a agenda de lançamentos
1 - "Silent Service Main Title"2 - "Tatsunami Sail'
3 - "Crushing"
4 - "Flood"
5 - "Fukamachi’s Intuition"
6 - "Water Pressure"
7 - "The Plan Seabat"
8 - "Departure of Yamato"
9 - "Kaieda Rebellion"
10 - "Swamp"
11 - "Their Mission"
12 - "Nuclear Payload"
13 - "The Course Towards the Mariana Trench"
14 - "Departure of Tatsunami"
15 - "Deployment of the Seventh Fleet"
16 - "The Course Towards the Philippine Sea"
17 - "Broach"
18 - "The Warhead Is Not Ordinary"
19 - "Seabat vs. Ronald Reagan"
20 - "Independent State of Yamato"
21 - "The Wrath of Leviathan"
22 - "Torpedo Battle Stations, Ready"
23 - "Asroc Launch"
24 - "The Whale’s Lament"
25 - "Rough Seas"
26 - "Southern Cross Descent"
27 - "Prime Minister Takegami’s Decision"
28 - "Rough Waves"
29 - "The Whale Swimming"
30 - "Tatsunami’s Struggle"
31 - "The Abandonment of Nuclear Weapons"
32 - "Calm"
33 - "Harusame Was Hit"
34 - "The Determination of Japan"
35 - "Good or Bad"
36 - "The Will of Yamato"
37 - "Tatsunami Surfacing"
38 - "Silent Service Main Title" (Short Version)
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