Vinte anos se passaram desde que nazistas do lado negro da lua invadiram a Terra, que agora sofre uma guerra nuclear. Uma ordem para evacuar toda a população do mundo para a Antártica é dada, a fim de criar uma civilização.
A banda Laibach trabalhou em "Deu a Louca nos Nazis" (2012) e "UZ" (1996).
Estou no Twitter e no Instagram. Compre livros na Amazon e fortaleça o trabalho do blog! Confira a agenda de lançamentosTracklist:
1 - "Title Sequence"2 - "The Coming Race" (feat. AMAYA)
3 - "Neomenia Moon Base"
4 - "Walküre Lands"
5 - "The Arrival of Russian Refugees"
6 - "Obi Inspects the Spaceship"
7 - "Renate Refuses to Host Refugees"
8 - "Moonquake"
9 - "The Jobsists"
10 - "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"
11 - "Renate and Obi"
12 - "Vestal Celestial Amelia"
13 - "Moon Führer Is Back"
14 - "Obi and Vril Wolfgang Fight"
15 - "Renate’s Illness"
16 - "Vril-ya"
17 - "Wolfgang’s Flashback"
18 - "Map of Agartha / Expedition for the Journey"
19 - "Back to Earth / Crash Landing"
20 - "Hollow Earth"
21 - "3310 Blue R7309170"
22 - "The Promised Land"
23 - "The City of Agartha, Pt. 1"
24 - "The Vril Banquet Hall"
25 - "The City of Agartha, Pt. 2"
26 - "First Among Steves"
27 - "Malcolm Fights Raptors"
28 - "The Jobsists Presented to Vril Hitler"
29 - "The Gate to the Holy Grail"
30 - "The Jobsists Negotiating with Vril Hitler and Get Eaten by Vril Jobs"
31 - "Stealing the Holy Grail"
32 - "Malcolm Fights Vril Jobs and Vril Hitler"
33 - "The Triceratops Chariot Race"
34 - "Escape from Earth"
35 - "Wolfgang’s Disclosure"
36 - "Sieg Heil, Mutterfückers!"
37 - "Zeit zum Töten"
38 - "Renate Dies"
39 - "Escape from the Moon / iExcommunicating Wolfgang"
40 - "Celebratory Party / Space Funeral"
41 - "Love Is Still Alive"
42 - "Перед восходом солнца"
43 - "The Coming Race (Concert Version)"
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