Quatro detetives, quatro linhas do tempo, um corpo. Para salvar o futuro da Grã-Bretanha, será preciso resolver primeiro o assassinato que mudou o rumo da história.
O compositor Jon Opstad trabalhou em "Um Mundo Que Não é Nosso" (2012) e na série "Grandes Fracassos: Woodstock 99" (2022).
Estou no Twitter e no Instagram. Compre livros na Amazon e fortaleça o trabalho do blog!Tracklist:
1 - "Bodies Main Title"2 - "Discovering a Body"
3 - "Whiteman is Followed"
4 - "A Bullet in Time"
5 - "Maplewood Finds the Body"
6 - "Maplewood Returns Home"
7 - "A Visit from Lorna"
8 - "New Destination Incoming"
9 - "Let Him Know He is Loved"
10 - "Connections"
11 - "A Seance"
12 - "Pushing the Button"
13 - "Running for Shelter"
14 - "Maplewood & Defoe"
15 - "Rewriting History"
16 - "Off Grid"
17 - "Armed Police"
18 - "The Morleys"
19 - "Questioning the Morleys"
20 - "Approaching the Vault"
21 - "Below Ground"
22 - "Know You Are Loved"
23 - "Creeping"
24 - "Polly Explores"
25 - "Recurring Dream"
26 - "Planting Evidence"
27 - "Scene of the Crime"
28 - "Archives"
29 - "Ambush"
30 - "Impossible Love"
31 - "Commander Mannix"
32 - "Confessions"
33 - "Back in Time"
34 - "Redemption"
35 - "Hasan"
36 - "The Bomb Is Live"
37 - "Hillinghead & Henry"
38 - "The Throat"
39 - "Regrets"
40 - "I’ll Be Right With You"
41 - "A New Day"
42 - "Bodies End Credits"
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