Bambi parte com os amigos Tambor e Flor numa aventura transformadora para explorar as maravilhas dos bosque... E cumprir o destino de príncipe da floresta.
O compositor Frank Churchill (1901-1942) trabalhou em "Pinóquio" (1940), já Larry Morey (1905-1971) esteve em "O Dragão Dengoso" (1941) e Ed Plumb (1907-1958) compôs os temas de "Você Já foi à Bahia?" (1944).
Estou no Twitter e no Instagram. Compre livros na Amazon e fortaleça o trabalho do blog!Tracklist:
1 - "Main Title (Love Is A Song)"2 - "Sleeping Morning In The Woods / Everybody Awake / The Young Prince / Learning To Walk"
3 - "Exploring / Through The Woods / Say Bird / Flower"
4 - "Little April Shower"
5 - "The Meadow / Bambi Sees Faline / Bambi Gets Annoyed"
6 - "Gallop Of The Stags / The Great Prince Of The Forest / Man"
7 - "Autumn / The First Snow / Fun On The Ice"
8 - "The End Of Winter / New Spring Grass / Tragedy In The Meadow"
9 - "Wintery Winds"
10 - "Let's Sing A Gay Little Spring Song"
11 - "It Could Even Happen To A Flower"
12 - "Bambi Gets Twitterpated / Stag Fight"
13 - "Looking For Romance (I Bring You A Song)"
14 - "Man Returns"
15 - "Fire / Reunion / Finale"
16 - "Rain Drops [Demo Recording]"
17 - "Interview With Walt Disney"
18 - "Interview With Supervising Animators Ollie Johnston And Frank Thomas"
19 - "Interview With Henry Mancini"
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