Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo e Donatello, quatro tartarugas que, após serem expostas a uma substância radioativa, tornam-se animais antropomórficos, criados pelo Mestre Splinter, um rato que sofreu a mesma mutação. Agora, entre muita pizza e diversão, precisam combater o crime na cidade de Nova York.
Os compositores Trent Reznor e Atticus Ross trabalharam nas trilhas das séries "Watchman" (2019) e "The Vietnam War" (2017) e nos filmes "Império da Luz" (2022), "Até os Ossos" (2022), "Soul" (2020), "Mank" (2020), "Anos 90" (2019), "Bird Box" (2019), "O Dia do Atentado" (2017) e "A Rede Social" (2010).
Estou no Twitter e no Instagram. Ouça o podcast, compre livros na Amazon e fortaleça o trabalho do blog!Tracklist:
1 - "The Man in the Basement"
2 - "New Form of Life Itself"
3 - "Dipshits on a Roof"
4 - "Murder the Shreks!"
5 - "Maybe One Day"
6 - "Something to Love"
7 - "What’s the Worst That Could Happen?"
8 - "(The Worst That Could Happen)"
9 - "We Only Need Each Other"
10 - "Grand Theft Ice Cream Truck"
11 - "Techno Cosmic Research Institute"
12 - "Eye of the Tiger, Raph"
13 - "I Just Met You and You Almost Killed Me"
14 - "Accept Us"
15 - "Puke Girl"
16 - "Megamind, Gru-Type ShitT"
17 - "Brought a Mutant to a Ninja Fight"
18 - "We’re Very Well Adjusted"
19 - "Goochie Goochie Goo"
20 - "She’s Gonna Milk Us"
21 - "Do You Need a Veterinarian?"
22 - "Enter the 37th Chamber"
23 - "A Zed and Two Noughts"
24 - "I Don’t Need That Horse"
25 - "Better Than Mark Ruffalo"
26 - "Thing from My Past"
27 - "Conveniently Placed Pizza Van"
28 - "Trapped Like a Rat"
29 - "Attack On a Titan"
30 - "Happy Ending / Sewer Home"
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