Mavka deve escolher entre o amor por um flautista humano e o dever para proteger o Coração da Floresta
O compositor Dario Vero trabalhou em "Em Busca da Princesa Sequestrada" (2018).
Estou no Twitter e no Instagram. Ouça o podcast, compre livros na Amazon e fortaleça o trabalho do blog!Tracklist:
1 - "Behind the Dark Mountain"
2 - "Mavka"
3 - "Spring Time"
4 - "Uncle Leo"
5 - "You’ll be Fine"
6 - "Frol"
7 - "Kylina"
8 - "Let’s Save the Lynx!"
9 - "Forest Creatures"
10 - "Mavka and the Bisons"
11 - "The Flute"
12 - "Hush"
13 - "Flowers"
14 - "Ondina"
15 - "Nymphs"
16 - "Where is the Boy?"
17 - "Mavka and the Supreme Spirits"
18 - "The Rite"
19 - "Mavka Theme Reprise"
20 - "Run, He Is a Human!"
21 - "Sweetness"
22 - "Sadness"
23 - "On the Move"
24 - "It’s a Miracle"
25 - "Keep an Eye on This Boy!"
26 - "Tenderness"
27 - "Love Theme"
28 - "Danger Zone"
29 - "Don’t Touch Her!"
30 - "Showtime!"
31 - "Kylina, the Genesis"
32 - "Kylina Is Rising"
33 - "The Forest Killer"
34 - "Let’s Roll"
35 - "Kylina Attacks"
36 - "Mavka and Kylina"
37 - "Get Out of My Way!"
38 - "The Battle"
39 - "Rescue Mission"
40 - "Underwater"
41 - "Teardrop"
42 - "The Final Battle
43 - "Entering the Nothingness"
44 - "The Spark of Rage"
45 - "The Hurricane"
46 - "Love Theme Reprise"
47 - "Upside Down"
48 - "The Power of Love"
49 - "Suite from Mavka"
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