Trinta anos após o sumiço do doutor Sam Beckett no acelerador Quantum Leap, um novo time de cientistas retoma o projeto e tenta desvendar os segredos por trás da máquina do tempo.
O compositor Daniel James Chan trabalhou nas séries "Lendas do Amanhã" (2017-2022) e "Supergirl" (2017-2021).
Estou no Twitter e no Instagram. Ouça o podcast, compre livros na Amazon e fortaleça o trabalho do blog!Tracklist*:
1 - "Ben’s First Leap"
2 - "Seeking Answers, Finding a Bomb"
3 - "Addison Finds the Message"
4 - "We Have Lift Off"
5 - "Who Am I Now"
6 - "Space Is the Place"
7 - "Coming Back to You"
8 - "Answer Leads to Questions"
9 - "Janis Makes Her Move"
10 - "Because I Need You"
11 - "Into the Ring"
12 - "80s Los Angeles"
13 - "Magic’s Leap Story"
14 - "Ben Remembers Addison"
15 - "Arriving in the Old West"
16 - "So Many Questions"
17 - "The Town Fights Back"
18 - "Can I Kiss a Hologram"
19 - "Leaper Theories"
20 - "Last Moments"
21 - "Saving Ben / Restoring a Family"
22 - "A Mom’s Love"
23 - "Hello Demon"
24 - "Daisy’s Story / Things Get Wild"
25 - "Believe in Us"
26 - "One of the Kids / Catching Up"
27 - "Because You’re You"
28 - "Friends for Life / Why I Leapt"
29 - "Sisters Driven Apart"
30 - "Stopping the Killer"
31 - "Ben Delivers a Baby"
32 - "Not Afraid"
33 - "Questioning Janis"
34 - "The Reactor Factor"
35 - "Dead Then Alive"
36 - "One Last Chance"
37 - "Right to Shine"
38 - "Ian Opens Up"
39 - "Let Me Be"
40 - "Gia Put in the Game"
41 - "He Was the Glue"
42 - "Good Reasons"
43 - "Love You Mom"
44 - "USS Montana"
45 - "Trouble Aboard Ship"
46 - "Everything Will Be Okay"
47 - "Martinez Reveal"
48 - "Courtroom Surprise"
49 - "The Trial"
50 - "Closing Argument
51 - "One Star Accommodations"
52 - "Spilling the Beans"
53 - "Sabotage the Leap"
54 - "Keeping Ben Alive"
55 - "Shutting Ziggy Down"
56 - "Hostage Flight"
57 - "Landing the Plane"
58 - "When Is Ben"
59 - "Cheat Code"
60 - "Martinez Bests Ben"
61 - "Punching Through the Past"
62 - "End of the Line"
63 - "Leap with a Kiss"
Apple Music | Deezer | Spotify | Tidal
*a trilha sonora será lançada na sexta-feira (28) e o post será atualizado
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