Três estranhos que compartilham uma obsessão por histórias de crimes reais acabm presos dentro da investigação de um.
O compositor Siddhartha Khosla trabalhou recentemente no filme "As Trambiqueiras" (2022) e nas séries "Only Murders in the Building" (2021-até agora) e "This is Us" (2016-2022).
Estou no Twitter e no Instagram. Ouça o podcast, compre livros na Amazon e fortaleça o trabalho do blog!Tracklist:
1 - "We’re Back (Persons of Interest)"
2 - "Precinct Hang (Persons of Interest)"
3 - "I Dream of Cinda (Persons of Interest)"
4 - "A Death Threat (Persons of Interest)"
- "Murder Board Suite (Persons of Interest)"
6 - "Bunny’s Painting (Persons of Interest)"
7 - "History of the Arconia (Framed)"
8 - "Vantage, in Paris (Framed)"
9 - "Poor Lil’ Bunny Rabbit (The Last Day of Bunny Folger)"
10 - "Texting Lucy (Here’s Looking at You)"
11 - "Howard and the Knife Above His Head (Here’s Looking at You)"
12 - "Lucy Lurkin’ (Here’s Looking at You)"
13 - "Son of Sam (The Tell)"
14 - "Worse Than Watergate (The Tell)"
15 - "Admission (The Tell)"
16 - "Glitter (Performance Review)"
17 - "Mabel’s Dream (Flipping the Pieces)"
18 - "Puzzled (Flipping the Pieces)"
19 - "Flashback (Flipping the Pieces)"
20 - "The Chase (Flipping the Pieces)"
21 - "Poppy (I Know Who Did It)"
22 - "What Lucy Saw (Hello, Darkness)"
23 - "The Boxer’s Lover (Sparring Partners)"
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