Um insólito grupo de desajustados encontram a coragem de salvar o mundo, surpreendendo até a si próprios.
O compositor Russ Davies estreia na trilha sonora de um seriado.
Estou no Twitter e no Instagram. Ouça o podcast, compre livros na Amazon e fortaleça o trabalho do blog!Tracklist:
1 - "Goodboys Anthem (The Watch Theme Tune)"
2 - "The Noble Dragon"
3 - "Zero" (feat. Inge Beckmann)
4 - "Vimes’ Theme"
5 - "Carcer’s Theme"
6 - "Goodboy and The Noble Dragon"
7 - "The Unreal Estate"
8 - "Aliceband"
9 - "Tanty"
10 - "Werewolf"
11 - "Lady Ramkin’s Pursuit"
12 - "Nothing Wrong With Loving a Horse" (feat. Marius Van Coller)
13 - "The Lady of the Lake"
14 - "Goodboy’s Search"
15 - "Lord Vetinari’s Theme"
16 - "The Mines"
17 - "Investigations"
18 - "Carcer’s Realisation"
19 - "Attempting Murder"
20 - "Unseen University"
21 - "Conspiring"
22 - "The Observers"
23 - "Gawain’s Love Song"
24 - "Hunted"
25 - "Angua’s Vision"
26 - "The Summoning Dark"
27 - "The What – Gold (Cheery & Vimes)" (feat. Joni Ayton-Kent & Richard Dormer)
28 - "Last Breath (Death’s Theremin Song)" (feat. Wendell Pierce)
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