Postado por
Fagner Morais
Mais informações:
Max Richter
The Decemberists
The Hard Quartet
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O compositor Dean McGinnes trabalhou em "The Gardener" (2021).
Estou no Twitter e no Instagram. Ouça o podcast, compre livros na Amazon e fortaleça o trabalho do blog!Tracklist:
1 - "Carol?"
2 - "Road Journey"
3 - "Road Journey, Pt. 2"
4 - "Looking for Grandma"
5 - "Bill"
6 - "Forest Walk"
7 - "Barn Hunt"
8 - "We Need to Leave"
9 - "The Chase"
10 - "The Caravan"
11 - "Charlie"
12 - "Sonic Radar"
13 - "You Can't Go Out There"
14 - "The Body of Tyler"
15 - "You Are Going to Be Ok"
16 - "Grandma Is Alive"
17 - "What's Happening to Me"
18 - "I Got to Get It Out"
19 - "Come and Get Me"
20 - "The Slashing"
21 - "I Love You"
22 - "Blank Shot"
23 - "Delusional"
24 - "Credits"
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