Trilha sonora: Dickinson - Terceira temporada

Em meio às crescentes baixas na Guerra Civil, os Dickinson sofrem, e Emily luta para manter a paz em sua família.

Os compositores Ian Hultquist e Sofia Hultquist trabalharam nas séries "Eu Sei O Que Vocês Fizeram no Verão Passado" (2021) e "Dickinson" (2021), e no filme "As Passageiras" (2021).

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1 - "The Goldfinch – You Know Us Mortals"
2 - "This Tiny Bed"
3 - "Hope is the Thing with Feathers"
4 - "It’s Everything"
5 - "No False Hope"
6 - "This Little Gilbert"
7 - "Only Source of Hope"
8 - "Let’s Narrate"
9 - "Walt Whitman Suite"
10 - "Wholly Now & Original"
11 - "The Paradox"
12 - "I Have a Little Shape"
13 - "A Little Madness in the Spring"
14 - "In Corners"
15 - "Without the Power to Die"
16 - "Abandon All Hope"
17 - "Spiral"
18 - "You Destroyed Me"
19 - "Say Your Goodbyes"
20 - "Sweet Vinny"
21 - "My Unseen Correspondent"
22 - "And Sweetest – In the Gale"
23 - "This Was a Poet"

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