Shaun e seu rebanho tentam ajudar uma adorável alienígena a voltar para seu planeta, mas eles precisam fugir de agentes do governo que estão atrás dela.
O compositor Tom Howe trabalhou em "Professor Marston e as Mulheres-Maravilhas" (2017), "Humanidade: A História de Todos Nós" (2012) e "Receitas de Amor" (2011)
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1 - "Everything Is Better" (Kieran Shudall & Heather Shudall)
2 - "Lazy" (Kylie Minogue & The Vaccines)
3 - "I Can't Be My Old Self Forever" (Jorja Smith)
4 - "Shaun the Sheep (Life's a Treat) (Farmageddon Remix)" [Toddla T Remix feat. Nadia Rose]
5 - "Renegade Sheep" (RAT BOY)
6 - "Prologue & Alien Arrival"
7 - "Back On the Farm"
8 - "The Barn & Meeting Lu-La"
9 - "Lu-La Meets the Flock"
10 - "Tractor Joyride"
11 - "Lu-La's Powers"
12 - "Going On a Mission"
13 - "Agent Red & the Hazmats"
14 - "Basement Ideas & Farmageddon"
15 - "The Supermarket & the Sugar Rush"
16 - "Bitzer Directs the Construction"
17 - "Lu-La's Memory"
18 - "UFOs Caught - 0001"
19 - "Sneaking Around the Base"
20 - "Waking Up & Being Chased"
21 - "Flashback & a Spaceship Cras"
22 - "No Way Home"
23 - "A Plan Under Pressure"
24 - "At the Crank"
25 - "The Mech Suit"
26 - "Parent Arrival"
27 - "The Tower Chase"
28 - "Time To Go Home"
29 - "Farmageddon End Credits"
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