Trilha sonora: Murder on Middle Beach, por James Lavino

Um jovem está determinado a resolver um crime e absolver as pessoas que ama, enquanto procura respostas em sua família e comunidade fragmentadas.

O compositor James Lavino trabalhou em "Never Here" (2017), "A Procura da Liberdade" (2014) e "Woodpecker" (2008).

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1 - "Memories of Her"
2 - "Murder on Middle Beach (Main Title Theme)"
3 - "Something Changed Him"
4 - "We're Not Investigators"
5 - "It's Totally Legal"
6 - "Family Tree"
7 - "People Could Start Getting Hurt Here"
8 - "Desperate Attempts"
9 - "Repeated Calls"
10 - "I Felt Like I Was Her Protector"
11 - "It Could Be Any of Us"
12 - "If She Could Put up With Me"
13 - "To the End of the World"
14 - "It Was a Good Thing"
15 - "Let's Go Back a Little Bit"
16 - "She Came Alive"
17 - "The Gifting Tables (Part One)"
18 - "The Gifting Tables (Part Two)"
19 - "The Gifting Tables (Part Three)"
20 - "A Haze"
21 - "Welcome Back to Madison"
22 - "You Need Your Mother Back"
23 - "I'm Coming for You"
24 - "Night, Back Seat, Window Down, My Father Driving"

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