Um pistoleiro aposentado (Alan Ladd) tenta construir uma família, mas um conflito latente entre nativos e fazendeiros o força a agir.
O compositor Victor Young (1900–1956) trabalhou em "A Volta ao Mundo em 80 Dias" (1956), "Johnny Guitar" (1954) e "Paraíso Proibido" (1950).
1 - "Main Title (Prelude)"
2 - "Starrett's Plans"
3 - "The Tree Stump"
4 - "Pastoral"
5 - "Off to Town / Grafton's Store"
6 - "Wyoming Sketches"
7 - "End of Fight / Victory and Trouble"
8 - "Tender Moments / Wilson / Ride and Memories"
9 - "The Fourth of July / A Tough Torrey"
10 - "Trouble Ahead / Torrey's Death / Taking Torrey Home"
11 - "Cemetery Hill"
12 - "Peace Party"
13 - "Sad Is the Parting"
14 - "The Ride to Town"
15 - "Apotheosis and End Title"
16 - "Beautiful Dreamer / Marching Through Georgia (Source Music)" [Bonus Track]
17 - "The Ride to Town (Film Version, Music and Effects)" [Bonus Track]
18 - "Apotheosis and End Title (Film Version, Music and Effects)" [Bonus Track]
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