Trilha sonora: Dracula, por David Arnold e Michael Price

Em 1897, na Transilvânia, o conde Drácula (Claes Bang) traça seus planos contra a Londres vitoriana.

O compositor David Arnold trabalhou nas trilhas das séries "Good Omens" (2019) e "Sherlock" (2010-até agora) e nos filmes "007 - Quantum of Solace" (2008) e "007 - Cassino Royale" (2006). Já Michael Price esteve nos filmes "Meu Outro Eu" (2013), "Um Fantástico Medo de Tudo" (2012) e "Um Dia Perfeito Para Casar" (2012).


1 - "Opening Titles"
2 - "Mina's Theme"
3 - "Contaminated"
4 - "Boxes of Undead"
5 - "Vague in Parts"
6 - "Dracula is God"
7 - "Hello Jonny"
8 - "Bats are a Little Noisy"
9 - "You are Jonathan Harker"
10 - "Helsing!"
11 - "Greatest of Care"
12 - "Sermon"
13 - "Clearing Her Throat"
14 - "Bad Book"
15 - "The Right One"
16 - "Make it a Long Voyage"
17 - "Learning German"
18 - "A Pineapple"
19 - "In the Mirror"
20 - "Pulsing Jugular"
21 - "Fish Meat"
22 - "What Kept You"
23 - "Sentimental Stalking"
24 - "Trying to Contact You"
25 - "Undisturbed"
26 - "Nothing to Lose"
27 - "One Less Thing"
28 - "Inside Your head"
29 - "Outgrown Beauty"
30 - "That is Everything"
31 - "The Fear"

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