Trilha sonora: Mogli - Entre Dois Mundos, por Nitin Sawhney

Compositor trabalhou no filme "Uma Razão para Viver"

Uma criança humana (Rohan Chand) criada por lobos deve enfrentar um tigre ameaçador chamado Shere Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch), além das próprias origens.

O compositor Nitin Sawhney trabalhou em "Uma Razão para Viver" (2017), "Vara: A Blessing" (2013), "Os Filhos da Meia-Noite" (2012) e "Jean Charles" (2009).


1 - "The Wolf Boy"
2 - "Changes" (feat. Kara Marni)
3 - "Invocation"
4 - "Khan's Attack"
5 - "Bagheera Finds Mowgli"
6 - "Of Course You're Different / Straight Back To the Caves"
7 - "This Is the Jungle / Practice Running"
8 - "The Monkey"
9 - "Give Him To the Tiger"
10 - "You Are a Man Cub"
11 - "The Calm Before Khan / Stalking the Man Cub / The True Kings"
12 - "You Belong"
13 - "The Running of the Pack"
14 - "Mowgli's Failure"
15 - "The Monkeys Kidnap Mowgli"
16 - "Khan's Arrival In the Lair / Baloo and Bagheera Save Mowgli"
17 - "We're Not Special"
18 - "Kaa's Lair"
19 - "Khan's Takeover"
20 - "Mowgli's Banishment"
21 - "Bagheera's Visit"
22 - "Village Life"
23 - "Come Home"
24 - "Holi Festival"
25 - "Campfire"
26 - "Hathi's Tusk"
27 - "The Next Day"
28 - "Challenging Khan / The Fight / There's the Hunter"
29 - "Khan's End"
30 - "Lori (Lullaby)" [feat. Nicki Wells]
31 - "Changes" (feat. Kara Marni) [Slow Burner Mix]
32 - "Changes" (feat. Kara Marni) [Reprise]

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