Um sapateiro humilde (Adam Sandler) recebe a chance para mudar de vida quando recebe uma gorda herança.
Desde os anos 1990 compondo trilhas sonoras, John Debney [Homem de Ferro 2] uniu-se com Nick Urata [Golpe Duplo] para fazer a trilha de Trocando os Pés.
1 - "The Cobbler Main Title"
2 - "Lone Figures Meeting"
3 - "Fifty Large"
4 - "New Customer"
5 - "Magical Stitcher"
6 - "Home to Ma's House"
7 - "Need Repairman"
8 - "Becoming Ludlow"
9 - "Test Drive"
10 - "Ma's Wish"
11 - "Visiting the Crime Scene"
12 - "Bar Pick up to Mom's"
13 - "Showering with Kara"
14 - "Pop's Soles"
15 - "Prepping for Dinner"
16 - "Date Night Reunion"
17 - "Date Night Dinner"
18 - "Ma Passes"
19 - "Becoming a Badass"
20 - "Ludlow's Closet"
21 - "Ludlow vs. Ludlow"
22 - "Gotta Pee"
23 - "Stiletto to the Throat"
24 - "Max Goes to the Police"
25 - "What the Crap!"
26 - "Marsha Returns Money"
27 - "Old Man Albert"
28 - "Getting Involved"
29 - "Soloman's Shoes Deal"
30 - "Mixed Bag of Shoes"
31 - "New York"
32 - "Carmen Askes Max Out"
33 - "Also a Cobbler"
34 - "Cobbler Medley"