"Fight Test"
"One More Robot/Sympathy 3000-21"
"Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Pt. 1"
"In the Morning of the Magicians"
"Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell"
"Are You a Hypnotist??"
"It's Summertime"
"Do You Realize??"
"All We Have is Now"
Veja também:
Vídeo: Flaming Lips e Sean Lennon no David Letterman
Áudio: Flaming Lips - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Beatles Cover)
Áudio: Flaming Lips - It's A Sad And Beautiful World (Sparklehorse Cover)
Vídeo: Flaming Lips - Try To Explain
Vídeo: Flaming Lips - Elephant (Tame Impala Cover)
Resenha: The Flaming Lips – The Terror
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