1 - "Under The Pressure"
2 - "Red Eyes"
3 - "Suffering"
4 - "An Ocean In Between The Waves"
5 - "Disappearing"
6 - "Eyes To the Wind"
7 - "The Haunting Idle"
8 - "Burning"
9 - "Lost In The Dream"
10 - "In Reverse"
Clique aqui e saiba como ouvir.
Veja também:
Show completo: Real Estate - Live on KEXP
Vídeo: Johnny Cash - She Used To Love Me A Lot
Resenha: Pharrell Williams – G I R L
Foto: Ringo Starr jogando futebol
Festivais: Pinkpop Festival 2014 - line-up
Festivais: Reading and Leeds Festival 2014 - line-up
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