"Back in the Saddle"
"Love in an Elevator"
"Toys in the Attic"
"Oh Yeah"
"Dude (Looks Like a Lady)"
"Rag Doll"
"Last Child"
"Boogie Man"
"Eat the Rich"
"What It Takes"
"Livin' on the Edge"
"I Don't Want to Miss a Thing"
"No More No More"
"Come Together" (The Beatles cover)
"Walk This Way"
"Dream On"
"Sweet Emotion"
Leia mais: Discos para história: Pronounced 'lĕh-'nérd 'skin-'nérd, do Lynyrd Skynyrd (1973)
Vídeo: Móveis Coloniais de Acaju - Sede de Chuva
Show completo: Lou Reed - A Night With Lou Reed (1983)
RIP Lou Reed (1942 - 2013)
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